Izmir Mekanik Makina was founded by Mehmet ATICI in 1985 who has gained expertise and experience in this field for 17 years in German Machine Industry in Germany. It has been established to provide service in heavy industry and manufacturing sector. Izmir Mekanik Makina continues to function in Izmir Atatürk Organized Industrial Zone with its factory on 8000 m2 area.

Vision & Mission

Mission; Our mission is to provide always the best service for our custormers by our expert technical staff; our service policy is based on our quality production and on-time delivery philosophy.

Vision; Developing customer needs based solutions by using updated technological means and to be the first choice of our customers in national and international market.



İzmir Mekanik Makina adopted it as a principle to be a “reliable company”. It is a family together with all its personnel within itself. All individuals of this family are responsible for setting, implementing and developing quality standards together through team spirit.


It does its full share of work in order to contribute to development of both the sector and the society. Its vision is always working to be a leader in its sector.
Müşterilerine daha iyi hizmet verebilmek için, teknolojik ve çağın gerektirdiği tüm yenilikleri takip ederek imkanları dahilinde uygular.


The service offered in İzmir Mekanik Makina is not limited. Guiding and informing the customer on the matter pertinent to the sector, creating solutions and embracing problems of the customer are within the scope of the service rendered. Measuring customer satisfaction and assessing expectations of the customer are accepted as a resource for future-oriented improvements.


It takes preventive measures instead of correcting the mistakes after they are formed and continuously makes improvements in its works in order to be able to give a better service to its customers.